
8年前 351次浏览 西澳大学代写ASSIGNMENT:儿童色情问题已关闭评论


在他的文章中,在3月,2010期的“科学家”,Milton Diamond教授回顾了收集的研究的相关性之间的看的色情和性态度。他说,“在每一个地区的调查,研究人员发现,随着色情内容的可用性增加,性犯罪或减少或不增加。【。尽管.. ]普遍增加色情材料的可用性,根据国家联邦司法部统计,强奸案发生率明显下降,从1975到1995。”密尔顿还透露,在这些研究中,无视民间信仰的一些结论很明显:“[研究]发现,强奸犯在监狱人口比非强奸犯已看色情而年轻人受到惩罚的可能性更大,而其他的研究已经表明,嵌顿性非强奸犯已看到更多的色情内容,并在较早的年龄看,比强奸犯。[男人谁见过三级电影…]研究发现,他们的宽容和接受的女性明显比那些没有看到这些电影更多。”密尔顿也认为,虽然“不相关甚至被发现接触色情和对女性态度的冷漠之间,“发现”是什么与性侵犯紧密相关的是一个严格的,压抑的宗教信仰”。密尔顿总结说:“在美国,没有任何一个社区投票禁止成年人使用性显着的材料。一个社会的唯一标准是在涉及未成年人作为参与者或消费者材料不耐。”换句话说,虽然没有集团同意以确切的标准来衡量其他任何形式的色情或善或恶,“儿童色情”被公认为是一个绝对的邪恶。

3 / 9 / 10期后公告报道,州参议院正在审查法案改变国有企业员工的差旅政策和民选官员,限制他们下榻的酒店提供色情的某些类型。它不限制所有色情,只有明确表示,“eroticizes支配,根据参议院的文件2861降解或暴力”。当奥姆斯特德县的委员们问去年夏天批准类似的禁令,但再也没有回来投票。


In his article in the March, 2010 issue of "The Scientist", Professor Milton Diamond reviews the collected studies of the correlations between the viewing of pornography and sexual attitudes. He states, "in every region investigated, researchers have found that as pornography has increased in availability, sex crimes have either decreased or not increased. [. . .] Despite the widespread and increasing availability of sexually explicit materials, according to national FBI Department of Justice statistics, the incidence of rape declined markedly from 1975 to 1995." Milton also reveals a number of conclusions evident in these studies which defy popular belief: "[the studies] found that rapists were more likely than non-rapists in the prison population to have been punished for looking at pornography while a youngster, while other research has shown that incarcerated non-rapists had seen more pornography, and seen it at an earlier age, than rapists. […] Studies of men who had seen X-rated movies found that they were significantly more tolerant and accepting of women than those men who didn't see those movies." Milton also finds that, while "No correlation has even been found between exposure to porn and calloused attitudes toward women," they have found that "what does correlate highly with sex offense is a strict, repressive religious upbringing". Milton concludes stating, "Significantly, no community in the United States has ever voted to ban adult access to sexually explicit material. The only feature of a community standard that holds is intolerance for materials in which minors are involved as participants or consumers." In other words, while no group can agree on the exact standard by which to measure the good or evil of any other form of pornography, "child-porn" is universally recognized as an absolute evil.

The 3/9/10 issue of Post-Bulletin reported that the state senate was reviewing a bill which would change travel policy for state employees and elected officials, limiting them from staying at hotels which offer certain types of pornography. It does not limit all pornography, only expressly that which "eroticizes domination, degradation or violence" according to Senate File 2861. When the Olmsted County Commissioners were asked last summer to approve a similar prohibition, but never returned a vote.

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