Commerce Assignment 代写,斯里兰卡伞产业

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Commerce Assignment 代写,斯里兰卡伞产业

engineering Ltd is a subsidiary company of Sri Lanka umbrella industries Ltd which is well known as Rainco Ltd. LS engineering Ltd main products are manufacturing all interior and outdoor decorating products for houses, companies and mainly hotels. L&S engineering (Pvt) Ltd is planning on expanding their business and going global the company has already taken their first step by opening up a branch in Maldives. And now the company needs to go for a bigger market and they have selected India to start up with.

When talking about the cultures in the organizations it is more similar to Sri Lanka since both the countries are Asian countries and has more belief in cultural and spiritual aspects.

I have explained the organizational cultures in common for both the countries

Critical analysis of different social group behavior patterns of the home country and the host county.

The force of traditionalization

One of the main outcomes of colonization has been the spread of western values, ideas and institutions in the country. Many social scientists believed that this would pave the way for a transition from tradition to modernity. Empirical evidence, however, has shown that the result has been the creation of small westernized, native elite, and the ways of the larger population have not radically altered. In fact, after independence, the instruments of modernization, now in the hands of native leaders, have been employed to reinforce primordial identities and traditional institutions. As a result, traditional social institutions and cultural practices did not disappear in this larger context.

Power Distance index

Power distance is the distance a person feels or stays with them and a person in a position of power. Asian culture is the high power distance, which means that subordinates maintain a certain distance from their superiors and have a sense of respect or fear of them.

A person who acquires the power of their attitudes toward their education. In British culture, for example, used to treat children as "little adults." They express their views, they are allowed to argue and give their opinion with their parents.

In a culture with a distance of more power, a child does not speak much authority and obedience is taught. The disagreement may be taken as a sign of disrespect, and as a child is supposed to have what is given to you. Although countries are ranked according to a gradient, and everything is relative, Asian countries like Sri Lanka are generally high power distance.

The attitude of an individual's ability to transfer more and more to the manager-subordinate relationship in the workplace. Sri Lankan employees could not disagree with their manager, not wanting to "respond" or disrespect. They feel compelled to accept simply what the boss says. This makes Western management techniques, such as "management by objectives" ineffective, since they assume that the employee who negotiate their goals. However, if the employee feels uncomfortable saying "no", they all just agree with the project and stick with a reasonable workload.

Overall, management in crops of high PDI(Power Distance Index) is more paternalistic "benevolent autocrat" or "good father", while management in crops PDI is lower in diverse workplace the difference between these styles can cause much misunderstanding, "consultation". Manager can increase the workload without considering or even remember what the subject has already and will continue to do so as long as the subject says nothing to remind him of the situation. Meanwhile, the employee does not say anything or do much of an attempt to reduce his workload. Instead, it burns accommodate the manager's request, even at the expense of his own health or welfare. He asked his manager blatant lack of consideration.


In a business that wants to promote individualism, managers allow employees to take care of their own work to a high degree. They also give workers the freedom to explore new ways to meet the basic procedures or projects. Unless a worker poses a threat or otherwise not working to corporate standards, it enjoys a high level of confidentiality. Everyone has a chance to express individual opinions, and management does not necessarily discourage open debate. Management also responds to requests for personal time. But when you apply this to the Sri Lankan and Indian working place we cannot see this culture much, delegation of powers is less there is collectivism culture more than individualism

The working women trend

The involvement of women in the workforce in Sri Lanka and India Has increased significantly since the beginning of the Twentieth century. "Woman who works" trend. With the 1960s and 1970s feminist movements, the trend broke into full force, offering women increased employment opportunities. In the 1970s, "... more women than ever before could aspire to a career as a serious business leaders, doctors, lawyers, airplane pilots, and politicians. Opportunities continue to increase. Indeed, with this new economic order is independence, marriage is no longer essential to the economic development of women welfare. In fact, there is a strong argument that marriage has lost its importance during the last century and today the rate appears high divorce modern to reflect these changes. With more single women than ever and more women spend the majority of their working time, it seems reasonable to assume that many working women find their nearest the relationship between co-workers. In fact, it is estimated that if a person spends forty hours Per2 week to work for the next thirty years, she spent 60,000 hours at work

These statistics, aggravated by the married women under today, mean that much social support is probably provided by friends working. In fact, women's traditional social networks consisted primarily kinship relations. But with modern times, non-parents relationships in social networks of women increased

Exposure to another led to a more positive of the other, which increases the likelihood of developing a friendship. "Therefore, the workplace creates an ideal environment for the promotion of friendship.

Given this, combined with increased participation of women in the workplace and reducing the number of married women in general, it is logical to conclude that many women social support in modern society comes in large part, by co-workers.

Generation Gap

68 percent of Baby Boomers feel "younger" were not as strong work ethic as they do and do their own work harder. Thirty-two percent of Gen X-ers believe that the "younger generation" does not have a good work ethic and that's a problem. And 13 percent of Gen Y-ers say the difference in work ethic through the generations causes friction. They believe they have a good work ethic for which no credit is given.

Technology is another flashpoint. In a survey conducted for the job site last year, almost half of respondents indicated a preference of Generation Y to communicate through blogs, instant messaging and text messages, rather than on the phone or face to face, methods preferred by baby boomers and generation X. facilitated communication Technically you can feel sudden and easily be misunderstood by Boomers and Generation X-ers.

Baby Boomers

The baby boomers have been described as focused on the job, independent, goal-oriented and competitive. their focuses is mainly on the work, which focuses mainly on the work of the worker and motivated by the position, profits and prestige, security and stability, the recovery could be prepared to stay in the same job for long. They are autonomous. They believe they can change the world. They believe in the ranks of the hierarchy and control and can experience stress labor flexibility may wonder about space and the younger generation who work remotely.

Generation X

Generation X covers between 1965 and 1980. This generation marks the period of declining birth after the baby boomers and is well below that of previous generations and future.

Members of Generation X are largely in their 30s and early 40s. In general, more ethnically diverse and better educated than the baby boomers. Over 60% of Gen Xers attended college.

Generation X are legal professionals junior partner, senior associate, in the middle of paralegals and mid-level positions in support of law firms. They also have media management positions in government, legal departments of corporations and other legal practice settings

Generation X came of age in an era of two-income families, divorce rates rising and a faltering economy. Women were joining the workforce in large numbers. As a result, Generation X is independent, resourceful. In the workplace, Generation X values ​​of freedom and responsibility. Many in this generation displayed a casual disdain for the working hours of structured authority. They do not like being micro-managed and embrace a philosophy of hands-off management.

The Generation X mentality reflected a shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. The first generation to grow up with computers, technology is integrated into their lives. As law firms and corporate legal departments to integrate new technological tools, Generation X has learned and adapted. Mobile phones, email, laptops, Blackberry and other technologies used in the legal workplace.

Many Generation X has experienced difficult economic times in the 1980s and saw their workaholic parents lose hard-won positions. Thus, Generation X is less tied to an employer and more willing to change jobs to move forward than previous generations. They adapt well to change and are tolerant of alternative lifestyles. Generation X is ambitious and eager to learn new skills but want to accomplish things on their own terms.

Generation Y

Fifty percent of the world population is under 30 years. Generation Y is the first generation that grew up with technology experience, even before the romance of their lives. They are digital natives - the whole social lives are in social networks. And the impacts of their behaviors, attitudes and expectations. especially their expectations of future employers. It seems that money is not a series of important factors of motivation for this generation.

Students and young professionals under 30 years old and came from 14 countries, about one in three said that he / she will give priority to the freedom of the media, flexibility and labor mobility device on relation to the salary to accept a job offer. 64% of college students on application usage policies of social media during job interviews and about 24% said it would be a key factor in accepting the offer. There is also a strong expectation that the employee for the employer to offer a flexible schedule and the freedom to work remotely.

Generation Y is likely to prove, if capitalized, to be one of the greatest assets of businesses today, however, many organizations fail to develop strategies to recruit and retain the talent. The challenge is finding a balance between work environments that takes advantage of Gen Y but not alienating the rest of the team.

Coaching is one of the most effective methods to retain Gen Y employees, allowing employees to thrive in an environment designed to enable its success. Employee coaching and mentoring higher-level common challenges new graduates to assume greater hard work. It exploits the potential of employees to play to their strengths, while time, helps them recognize and understand their weaknesses. Many organizations are thriving businesses mentorship programs to impress and recruit younger employees. Generation Y employees accept that they cannot count on their employers to take care of their careers,

Feedback from managers is better when administered frequently and constructively. This helps employees understand what they are doing well and how they can improve their skills.

Mentors should be honest and clear with young employees, indicating the specific behaviors and why they are good or bad. Overall, managers and employees must establish the desired objectives and the means to achieve them. In addition, mentors should be noted that Y'ers-like most of the generation of people in the world of work- thrive on praise. Do not store the recognition of a New Year banquet, but compliment and give positive reinforcement during a mission.

This open dialogue and understanding which has been very successful in organizations across the country. For this goal-oriented generation of employees, training Perhaps the most important aspect of workplace coaching. It can be even more important than bonuses and stock options to certain young people. Therefore, it is essential

Gen Y to provide a variety of training opportunities online-in the workplace and in the classroom. And employers must take account of experience in technology and productivity potential of this generation of workers. Is a wise investment to spend money business budget of the art equipment and advanced training.

Analyze the positive and negative influences of host country cultures on business decision making.

Customs and culture of a nation are forced to break into and influence the culture of organizations within its borders. The work culture in India is determined by many factors - there are considerable differences between companies in the private and public sectors, each with its own distinctive flavor. Moreover relative industry plays an important role in determining crop. For organizations within the new instance of IT, Telecom and banking are quite different from most manufacturing companies.

Indian organizations tend to be top-down approach. People often do not disagree with the boss and often give their views. It is a little more flexibility in the most modern IT and banking. However, since a very young Indians have learned to respect authority figures and this continues in their careers. So the managers expect to be treated a certain way, and subordinates easily fall into line. This is the same manner when it comes to Sri Lanka as well.

Indian organizations tend to be people driven rather than process driven. On the positive side, which allows greater flexibility, but might be a bit stressful for a newcomer to become familiar with the work and working style. Reliance on colleagues and those around him will be high. Since processes are not clearly defined, not likely to find a manual or paper processes in place. So many questions, take notes if necessary and double check to make sure you're right. But when you consider Sri Lanka it is a mix of process driven and people driven. And it is changing more to process driven.

When it comes to the Indian culture language will not be a major issue since most of the Indians do speak English but when it comes to negotiations with business partners from other cultures. Although not always necessary to know the partner's language, several studies show a relationship between the companies successfully performance in winning new business in foreign markets, and the company's ability to doing business in the customer's language.

There are certain aspects of culture that are manifested in a negotiation situation. Foreign partners, not only speakers of languages ​​other than their own, but also have a tendency, for cultural reasons, to think differently and have different priorities in the way of doing business. For example, some people prefer to do their business meetings with foreigners in a formal manner, and would be offended at being addressed by his first name, some may think that using an informal style and name of the first Note to members who are trustworthy. Two members of these different cultural contexts funds could easily misunderstand each other, whether to negotiate without prior Knowledge of some of the other assumptions and values.

When working with the foreign employees and partners, knowledge of the cultural context is a need. It is important to consider the ethnic, and not to treat the game as large homogeneous unit, for example, nonverbal behaviors can be significant. Even individuals can dominate and create cultural stereotypes. For example, people are often seen as friendly in India. Trust between the parties may be the deciding factor when it comes to the future of cooperation and without actual behavior can not establish this trust.

The Indians are not always simple or open, while expressing disagreement. If they have to communicate something unpleasant they try to do it in an indirect or gentle manner. Thus, while work experiences try phrases like "room for improvement" rather than an outright "it will not work", Sri Lankan employees also face the same situation.


