
8年前 378次浏览 悉尼大学作业代写:科研机构捐赠已关闭评论




What can your body be used for if you donate it to science? There are many things a body could be used for as far as research to improving looks! Some bodies are being used to further study forensics. Forensics is scientific tests or techniques connected with solving a crime. So basically a donated body can help solve someone else's murder! Forensics can help determine the age, sex and the time of death. A cadaver can help see how one decomposes, evaluating DNA degradation and bio chemical odor analysis. When donating a body to forensics the cadaver may end up in a body farm. A body farm is usually an outdoor facility used for researching the decomposition of human remains in different environmental conditions. Another thing cadavers are used for are to help create safer cars by being used as crash test dummies. Cadavers have been used as crash test dummies since the 1930's. The cadavers show how much the human body can endure in a car accident, by hitting every part of the car from steering wheels, air bags and wind shields. The most recent study is fords inflatable rear seat belts in their new 2011 explorer. They say that human cadavers play a big role in car developments! Some people may argue that it is wrong to test car safety with cadavers but if the person is already dead and still wanting to help and keep other people safe why not? Cadavers have been used to keep cars safe and continue getting safer along with saving lives by being tested to help others! Cadavers are also used to help make protective gear for soldiers! Theses cadavers endure a lot of crazy intense things such as being shot, experimenting with bombs and other brutal things. Even though certain cadavers get destroyed like this it's for a good cause. They can help keep the men and woman in combat safe and in a way even help protect our country. By donating your body to science you're helping keep other people safe and give them more of a chance to survive by the experiments done to show how much a body can endure and what equipment should be improved to help the world. One other thing along with multiple things cadavers are used for is to help have a better understanding of numerous diseases. Human cadavers can be the difference between a life threatening disease and a cure! These types of cadavers can help professionals better understand the human body and how diseases and illnesses affect the human body. A cadaver could help cure cancer by showing a doctor or professional in a colo- rectal program to learn how to work with a patient with colon cancer by really being able to repair and look at the colon of an infected patient. So donating your body to science shows that you are making a difference in keeping other people safe! Even though some of the science and techniques and experiments done with your body can be cruel, you're already dead so you might as well help make a difference!

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