
8年前 383次浏览 悉尼essay代写:社会机构约翰斯霍普金斯医院为例已关闭评论 ,


我在上个月的一个星期的一天里,在约翰霍普金斯医院进行了我的观察。按照社会制度的定义,它是适当的分类,作为一个社会机构的医院。这是由于这样一个事实,在一个医院里有社会地位的群体,因为社会关系,承担了一些社会角色。到达医院后,我被指示给副总经理,负责日常医院的日常运作。这是我设法获得医院成立的一个简短的历史。霍普金斯医院位于马里兰州州的巴尔的摩州,在美国州的医院作为一个教学,以及为医学专业的学生在霍普金斯大学医学院的生物医学研究设施。它实际上是利用资金均由Johns Hopkins谁应该被视为一个真正的慈善家捐赠了。霍普金斯是一个商人,他是一个银行家在巴尔的摩留下的房地产价值七百万美元(这是目前相当于1亿2380万美元)在他的死亡前夕,到圣诞节在1873。他实际上在七零八岁时就遇到了他的死亡。霍普金斯要求他的财产被用于建立两个机构,是一所医院和一所大学以他的遗嘱命名的大学。在美国的历史上,这是最大的利他行为(Harvey等人79)。




I conducted my observation at John Hopkins Hospital during a week day in the course of last month. In accordance to the definition of social institutions, it is appropriate to categorize a hospital as a social institution. This is due to the fact that in a hospital there are social positions groups associated to each other because of social relations, undertaking a number of social roles. Upon arrival at the Hospital I was directed to the deputy nurse manager who is generally in charge with the daily hospital operations. This is where I managed to obtain a brief history of how the hospital was founded. The Hopkins Hospital is situated in Baltimore which is in the Maryland state in the U.S. The hospital operates as a teaching as well as a facility for biomedical research for the medicine students enrolled in the Medicine School of Hopkins University. It was actually established using funds which were donated by Johns Hopkins who should be considered as a true philanthropist. Hopkins who was a merchant alongside being a banker in Baltimore left behind an estate worth seven million U.S dollars (which is currently equivalent to 123.8 million U.S dollars) at the time of his death in the eve to Christmas in 1873. He actually met his death at the age of seventy eight years. Hopkins had requested his fortune to be utilized for the establishment of two institutions that is a hospital and a University named after him in his will. In the U.S history, this is considered as the largest altruistic act (Harvey et al 79).

Hopkins Hospital as well as the medicine school are basically the premier institutions which lead to the birth of modern medicine in America. In deed, most of the traditions currently found in the field of medicine such as "houses staff", "rounds" in addition to "residents" originated from these institutions. Besides, several medical specialties such as urology, child psychiatry, endocrinology, neuro surgery, cardiac surgery and gynecologic pathology were first conducted in this hospital. This has made the hospital to be classified as the world's greatest hospital. The mission of these two institutions is to contribute towards the improvement of both community health as well as world health through the establishment of excellent standards in clinical care, research alongside medical education.

In the course of the eight hour observation which I conducted in the hospital, I discovered that this institution receives quite a great number of visitors on a daily basis. This is mostly due to the fact that the institution conducts diverse activities such as educating scientists, medical students, professionals in the health care sector in addition to attending to both in-patient and out-patients. This institution is also involved in coming up with methods which can be used in the prevention and treatment of human illnesses. Due to the nature of its operations, the hospital has approximately ten thousand visitors on a daily basis. This has lead to the expansion of the hospital so as to cater for this big number of visitors. It was amazing to learn that the hospital has actually eighty entrances

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