
8年前 420次浏览 新西兰研究论文代写:食品销售已关闭评论



Food marketers also can get new directions of their market according to the findings of this research. The first thing is that the current food products on the market are either positioned as healthy or tasty, the findings suggest that healthy food items can also be promoted as tasty when they are marketed to consumers, especially for those dieters. In such way, consumers, especially dieters are much more likely to buy these healthy and tasty food items.

Second, consumers pay increasing attention to the healthfulness of food products, adding that food marketers shift more attention to the food product naming strategies, food producers and companies should fully understand the power of the name of food products. They should assign their food products representative names which can provide the consumers with clear associations of healthfulness or unhealthfulness; they also need to provide their consumers with the necessary information like the ingredients and nutrition information. And the information of food products should be presented n help consumers accurately evaluate food items’ healthfulness. By doing these, the food producers and companies are likely to benefit from the market.

