建筑学论文代写 Maintenance And Redevelopment Of Aged Public Housing Estate

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Findings and Data Analysis

In this chapter, the problems and trouble of redevelopment or maintenance of aged public housing estate is elevated and study in this part, the result of data analysis is base on the information, which came from the target public housing estate tenant opinion.

Return of questionnaire

In this part, I will mainly focus on the concern between maintenance and redevelopment of aged public housing estate, according to the information that collected from the data base of Housing Authority or the questionnaire and interview from the tenant. Otherwise, questionnaire survey was conducted at March 2010 begin, there are among 110 tenants from Shek Kip Mei Estate and Kwai Shing West Estate had invited randomly to make out the questionnaire. Finally, there are 63 questionnaires were completed and returned from Shek Kip Mei Estate and Kwai Shing West Estate.

Implication of Economic and Social Benefit

Base on R. Chudley (1981) "The Maintenance and Adaptation of Building" that indicated the building work would be carry out in the first decision, if the decision is between to proceed maintenance work or be a new construction. In my opinion, if the defect is serious that will lead the expenditure of maintenance rise up, may be too high. Furthermore, the consideration of the reasonable cost may be depending on three factors. First, any beneficial can be obtain in the decision, second, make an expectation of the cost of the work is unreasonable or not, when the work is completed, third, make an consideration of the work is necessary and unavoidable or not.

According to the view of the above and fill into case study 2 - part of Shek Kip Mei Estate and So Uk Estate. Hong Kong Housing Authority expect to spend HK$15 hundred million to arrange a building maintenance plan for this estate, especially on concrete spalling repair work and reinforcement work to enhance the life span for about 15 years in 2005, but there are some opinion to bring up the problem of this consideration that lead a huge expenditure and the defect can not be solve exactly, while the maintenance works are still carry out regularly, it is because of the age of this estate.

Regard to Environment Considerations

The practice of environmental friendly is the most important consideration, but nowadays Hong Kong Government is not show respective of this element a lot.

In the most of the redevelopment case or new works case in Hong Kong should be make more improvement to the living conditions in the aged public housing estates. There are 2 major benefits from the good environmental practice: First, the redevelopment could provide a better designed arrangement to enhance building characteristic, living quality and suitable communal facilities. Second, the acquired sites could achieve the maximum plot ratio to use the limited land resources effectively. But in the other head, redevelopment may be generating large quantities of construction waste and nuisance if there is lack of management of disposal to reduce the affect to public from construction.

Duration of Building

As mentioned before, many scholars often believed that durable structural materials such as steel and concrete will provide the longest service lives for the building. Reasons for demolition were instead related to changing land values, lack of suitability of the building for current needs and lack of maintenance of various non-structural components.


