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英国论文代写网 Speech and language difficulties

在这篇文章中,我选择了专注于主题的情绪和行为的困难。我会看各种各样的话题主要集中在行为和情感上的困难,这些主题包括教师角色的额外需要,影响学习,教学如何能适应和参与的标签和分类的学生需要额外的问题。情绪和行为障碍“是一行为,偏离了太多的规范,他们干扰孩子的自己的成长和发展和/或他人的生活”。(Woolfolck等,2007,P165)情绪和行为问题是很常见的如1999 4.1%的男孩和4.5%的女孩患有情感障碍(http://www.statistics.gov.uk)但这已经增加到了30%次儿童确定这些额外的需求主要和38%。(英国,2004)。情感和行为上的困难是一个广泛的话题,可以包括许多问题。Hollahan和考夫曼(1994)把话题分为两类,内化和外化的这些涵盖了许多困难,从内在如只是抑郁症的问题,焦虑和不良的同伴关系扩展如多动问题,在教室里其他学生和蔑视残酷。正如你所看到的外在因素会在课堂但是内在因素造成更多的问题会很严重的个体。


In this essay I have chosen to focus on the topic of emotional and behavioural difficulties. I will looking at various topics with the main focus being on the additional need of behavioural and emotional difficulties these topics include the role of the teacher, effects on learning, how teaching can be adapted and issues involved in labelling and categorising pupils with additional needs. Emotional and behavioural disorders "are behaviours that deviate so much from the norm that they interfere with the child's own growth and development and/or the lives of others". (Woolfolck et al, 2007, p165) Emotional and behavioural difficulties are quite common as in 1999 4.1% of boys suffer from an emotional disorder along with 4.5%of girls (http://www.statistics.gov.uk) but this has increased to 30% of primary and 38% of secondary children identified with these additional needs. (DfES, 2004). Emotional and behavioural difficulties is a broad topic and can include many issues. Hollahan and Kauffman (1994) spilt the topic into two categories internalising and externalising these covers many difficulties ranging from internalising problems such as just depression, anxiety and poor peer relationships to externalising issues such as hyperactivity, cruelty to other pupils and defiance in the classroom. As you can see externalising factors will cause far more problems in the classroom however internalising factors can be very serious for the individual.

Role of teacher


According to (long, 2000, pg244) "all teachers are bound at some time or another to experience children whose behaviour can be a problem". This would indicate that the role of the teacher is a key issue in terms of working with children with behaviour and emotional difficulties. The essential role of a teacher is to develop and promote learning in the classroom. So when there is a child or a group of children with additional needs then the role of the teacher is then to make sure that learning is taking part in the classroom for all pupils through inclusion. According to (long 2000) there has been a move away from separating people with additional needs to a more Inclusive practice. Inclusive practice is the right of all learners to a quality of education that meets basic learning needs. (www.unesco.org). One way in which the teacher can help promote inclusion would be to help nurture pupils to get along with one another and become friends. So if a teacher has a child in the class with a behavioural or emotional difficulty then the teacher can help that child create friendships within the class as this should then help the child become more involved in the class due to having support from peers and less likely to misbehave as they won't want to let their peers down which will benefit the pupils work and achievement in the class. As many pupils with this additional need can suffer from having poor peer relationships so this may leave them feeling left out and alone which could be a reason for them to misbehave as they may feel on their own.


Another role of the teacher in terms of emotional and behavioural difficulties could simply be to spot a problem in the classroom as pupils with this additional need can be split into are two key parts as discussed earlier. Externalising issues are easy for the teacher to see as they will be very obvious and lead to very disruptive behaviour in the classroom whereas internalising factors can easily be looked over as they are not visual and could be problems such as depression. So as a teacher they will need to know there class well in order to spot these problems so that they can help by giving them more help and support in the classroom and making the pupil feel comfortable in the classroom as by the teacher showing a genuine interest in the individuals problems it can help with the problem as it shows that somebody cares and is there to help them.


As well identifying a pupil with an additional need it then the teacher's role to meet the needs of this pupil. As in many cases a child with an emotional or behavioural difficulty is unaware of a correct way to behave which for many of the other pupils is just common knowledge but pupils with a behavioural or emotional difficulty do not find it as easy. So it is vital that the teacher plays a supportive role to children with behavioural and emotional difficulties as this could help to solve issues if the pupil knows they have the support of somebody. As for example if a child is suffering from depression or anxiety then if they have somebody they can trust and feel comfortable with in the classroom it may help them to gain confidence and hopefully improve learning in the classroom and make school a more enjoyable place for the pupil.

一个老师的一个角色是为班上所有的学生提供田园式的照顾。田园照顾是照顾整个孩子。它需要一个微妙的融合的促进者,教师、家长和朋友当工作与个人或团体“Au手册- Elizabeth Holmes。这句话显示,以及教师作为一个教师,并帮助学生学习各种科目,如数学的英语等,他们也有其他责任的学生。一个老师花很多时间与学生,特别是在小学,一个老师上课时,所有的课,然后他们成为一个非常突出的数字在孩子的生活。所以,如果老师的行为是一个很好的榜样,是支持,是关怀,让学校的一个有趣的地方是那么这可以帮助学生实现在学校、在情绪和行为上的困难就可以帮助减少他们的问题,他们将享受学校因此将不太可能行为不端,如果他们喜欢老师和学校。有很多方法,教师可以通过促进和维护健康福利和年轻人的安全提供教牧关怀,如工作与家长合作,支持人员和其他专业人员,有关他们的教育问题的年轻人提供建议和指导,促进良好的秩序和学校的广泛需求。(HTTP:/ / www.glasgow。uk)。

One role of a teacher is to provide pastoral care to all pupils in the class. Pastoral Care is to look after the whole child. It requires a subtle blend of facilitator, instructor, 'parent' and 'friend' when working with an individual or group" NQT handbook - Elizabeth Holmes. This quote shows as well as the teacher being an instructor and helping pupils to learn various subjects such as Math's English etc they have also have other responsibilities to the pupils. A teacher spends a lot of time with pupils especially in primary schools where a teacher takes a class for all lessons then they become a very prominent figure in a child's life. So if the teacher acts as a good role model, is supportive, is caring and makes school a enjoyable place to be then this can help a pupil achieve in school and in terms of emotional and behavioral difficulties then it can help minimize their issues as they will be enjoying school so will be less likely to misbehave if they like the teacher and school. There are many ways in which the teacher can provide pastoral care such as by promoting and safeguarding the health welfare and safety of young people, working in partnership with parents, support staff and other professionals, providing advice and guidance to young people on issues relating to their education and contributing towards good order and the wider needs of the school. (http://www.glasgow.gov.uk).

