英文论文代写 report代写 开发一个共同的财务报告概念框架

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Developing a common conceptual framework for financial reporting

 英文论文代写  report代写 开发一个共同的财务报告概念框架

概念框架是一个概念和原则的系统,它决定了财务报表的编制和提交。这反映了Foulk Lynch为他定义为“一个连贯的概念框架相关的目标和基本原则,导致一致的标准,规定了自然系统,功能与财务会计和财务报表的限制。”概念框架的思想是形成一个共同的标准,财务报告是一致的,相当于一个另一个。然而,这是不可能实现的,在不同的资本市场,不同的会计准则存在的财务报表是根据他们的监管标准。


A conceptual framework is system of concept and principle in which determined the preparation and presentation of financial statement. This is reflected by Foulk Lynch as he defined conceptual framework as "A coherent system of inter-related objectives and fundamentals that should lead to consistent standards that prescribe the nature, function and limits of financial accounting and financial statements." The idea of conceptual framework is to form a common standard so that financial reporting is consistent and comparable to one another. However, this is not possible to achieve in different capital market where different accounting standard exist where financial statement are prepared based on their regulated standard.

To reduce the differences among the accounting principle used in the different capital market the process of harmonisation introduced by International Accounting Standard Board by late 1970s which then in the 1990s replaced by the concept of convergence; the development of a single set of high quality international accounting standard which is now known as International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) that would be used in all countries. According to IASB/IFRS the convergence of accounting standard is not a new phenomenon. The concept of convergence first came into exist in the late 1950s in response to post World War II when economic integration and related increase in cross border capitalization.

In recent year, the convergence of accounting standard is in much of a focus due to the increasing demand and pressure from financial capital market. As the business gets globalise, the transaction gets complex and investors requires high quality financial information to make capital resource allocation decision. As a result increased demand of high quality financial information by providing much more reliable and consistent information and that has led to major restructuring of IASB an organization that responsible for convergence of global accounting standard.

Recently jointly convergence by the FASB and IASB as part of a joint project to develop a common conceptual framework for financial reporting is the .

The primary objective of this international convergence programme is to develop a common conceptual framework for financial reporting by reducing any differences among accounting standard. The main purpose of creating a common conceptual framework is to protect the public interest by providing high quality financial reporting which is comprehensive, comparable and consistent with one another. So, that user of financial reporting can make economic decision based on it. It will also benefit global economy as a whole as it will win investor and market confidence as well as reduce the administration cost paid to get access to capital markets.

 英文论文代写  report代写 开发一个共同的财务报告概念框架

